One of the most easygoing of the sporting breeds, the Clumber is deemed mellow, gentlemanly, and amusing. Those big, heavy lips and cute face enable a Clumber to drool. Rare. It’s a part of their breed type. It is a mixed breed of the English Springer Spaniel and Clumber Spaniel.
Hypoallergenic: Clumber Spaniels don’t do well with allergy sufferers by causing allergic reaction.
You can take the Clumber fishing, hunting, dog parks, and of course, walks along the trail. Barking Tendencies: 1 stars. Those of us who live with Clumber Spaniels know how they love to carry things in their mouths.
But, we know how dangerous it can be if or when the Clumber Spaniel decides to ingest their prize. They will greet you with a toy, shoe, string, kitchen towel, anything, as a gift of endearment.
They are very inactive indoors and a small yard will be sufficient. First – Yes they do snore, drool and shed. This breed is often described as dignified and determined; they make excellent family pets and reliable hunting dogs.
This breed love ball games and as they fall under the gun dog category, retrieving was the Clumbers main job. For a calm and steady companion by your side, look no further than the well-bred and well-mannered Clumber spaniel. Clumber Spaniels will do okay in an apartment if they are sufficiently exercised. Clumber Spaniels are powerful bird dogs of heavy bone, built long and low, with a massive head. The average price of a Clumber Spaniel puppy is around USD $800 to $1200.
Be sure to take the puppy from a reputed Clumber Spaniel breeder only. Learn more about Clumber Spaniels The Clumber Spaniel was a pet dog of Edward, the Prince of Wales. Clumber Spaniels are calm in the home but do need to let off steam every once in a while. They stand 17 to 20 inches; a small female might be 55 pounds, and a large male could go 85 pounds. I am not a clumber expert, but I am happy to tell you what I have learned about clumbers from other “clumber” people and from my own experiences. That said, owning a Clumber is great for someone who loves the outdoors.
Drooling tendency: The Clumber Spaniel is a big drooler, so if you’re disgusted by slobber spots on your clothes, you â?¦ Cross-Breeds. Itâ??s a common thing among the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Where to find Clumber Spaniel Puppies . Youâ??ll have your hands full with Clumber Spaniel puppies. Raycroft Socialite, a male Clumber Spaniel owned by an Irishman, Ralph Dunne, is the only Clumber Spaniel to have won the prestigious Best in Show Award at Crufts, a feat he achieved in 1991. Shedding Level: Clumber Spaniels are heavy shedders.
A medium-sized garden would be perfect for this breed. If drool and a bit of maintenance isnâ??t your thing, this breed may not be a proper fit. Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel may start drooling. Good with Kids: This is a suitable dog breed for kids. This drool can end up on the walls, floor, television and computer screens, as well as on you. This breed is renowned for stealth and silence while working. Clumber Spaniel With a heavy brow, deep chest, and low body, the Clumber Spaniel was developed in the United Kingdom.
The Clumber spaniel originated in France as a flushing and retrieving spaniel. Before you purchase a puppy, please consider opening up your heart and home to a rescue clumber. The sturdy, low body made this dog excellent for work in dense terrain, and because of his slow, steady hunting method â?¦ Aficionados of the breed will recall the Clumberâ??s Best in Show win in 1996. Some dogs drool a lot, and some hardly at all. Like cooler weather.
Table of Contents
Do Clumber Spaniels shed?
Constant Shedding: Clumbers shed at a moderate to heavy rate year-round, so buy a good vacuum cleaner; regular brushing will also reduce the amount of hair floating around your house. For additional grooming tips, consult the Clumber Spaniel Club of America’s breed information booklet.
Are Clumber Spaniels good apartment dogs?
The Clumber Spaniel is the largest of the spaniels,[1] and is long and heavy-bodied, standing only 17 to 20 inches (43 to 51 cm) in height but weighing from 55 to 85 pounds (25 to 39 kg). [2] It is similar in shape to the smaller Sussex Spaniel. [3] The Clumber has a heavy bone structure,[4] has a massive ‘melting’ head[5] with a mournful and dopey expression, a square nose and muzzle, and large vine-leaf shaped ears. [6] Freckles on the muzzle and front legs are common. [7] Its coat is dense, weather-resistant, straight, and flat with feathering around the ears, belly and legs. [2] Clumbers are predominantly white in colour with lemon, brown, or orange markings around the eyes, and at the base of the tail.
Do Clumbers Cause Allergies?
This breed is prone to hip dysplasia, juvenile lameness, dry eyes, and cataracts. It is important to not over feed them as they gain weight easily. They are also prone to flea and skin allergies. This breed likes to chew, take care not to let them swallow foreign objects. They also tend to gain weight easily, so do not over feed. The Clumber spaniel’s life expectancy is about 10-12 years. Though some can live as long as thirteen years.
How to prevent allergies
Constant Shedding: Clumbers shed at a moderate to heavy rate year-round, so buy a good vacuum cleaner; regular brushing will also reduce the amount of hair floating around your house. For additional grooming tips, consult the Clumber Spaniel Club of America’s breed information booklet.
The Clumber Spaniel is one of the original nine breeds registered by the American Kennel Club. Long and low, it’s not as fast as other sporting dogs, but will work all day, trotting along in a slow, rolling gait. Dignified and pensive, but possessing great enthusiasm, the Clumber Spaniel also has a beautiful white coat.