Axolotl food: A complete list of what Axolotl can eat and can’t eat

The intriguing and unique axolotl salamander is known for its ability to regenerate and attractive appearance. They are Mexican in origin and have long been well-liked among pet owners. Yet, what do axolotls eat? This page contains a detailed list of things that axolotls can eat as well as advice on how to feed them. We will also discuss the advantages of a nutritious diet for your axolotl’s health and welfare. Please read on to learn more about the dietary needs of axolotls.


Mexico is home to unique amphibians like the critically endangered axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). They are often called “Mexican walking fish” because to their ability to “walk” on land using their four legs. The term “perpetual larvae” is widely used to describe axolotls since they are exceptional in that they may spend their whole lives as larvae.

Axolotls are carnivorous creatures that eat a variety of microscopic aquatic invertebrates, including worms, insects, and crustaceans. Bloodworms are a type of aquatic worm that axelotls regularly eat. Axolotls can eat bloodworms, which are nutritious since they are high in protein and offer a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Yes, axolotls can eat bloodworms. Bloodworms are a great source of nutrition for axolotls. They are high in protein, calcium, and other essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for axolotl health. Bloodworms should be offered as part of an axolotl’s regular diet, but only in moderation. Too many bloodworms can lead to obesity, so it is important to feed them in moderation.

Axolotls should also be given a variety of other foods such as brine shrimp, earthworms, and other aquatic invertebrates. This will ensure that they get a balanced diet and all of the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy.

In conclusion, axolotls can eat bloodworms, but it is important to feed them in moderation and to also offer a variety of other foods to ensure that they receive a balanced diet. Bloodworms are a great source of nutrition for axolotls, and they should be offered as part of an axolotl’s regular diet.

Brine shrimp

The answer to this question is yes, axolotls can eat brine shrimp. Brine shrimp are an important food source for axolotls, providing them with essential fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins.

Axolotls are carnivorous amphibians native to Mexico, and they are especially fond of brine shrimp. Brine shrimp are small crustaceans that live in saltwater, and they are a rich source of nutrition for axolotls. Brine shrimp are high in essential fatty acids and proteins, as well as vitamins A, B, C, and E. This makes them an ideal food source for axolotls, as they provide them with the nutrients they need to remain healthy and active.

Brine shrimp can be purchased from pet stores, either live or frozen. If you are going to feed your axolotl live brine shrimp, it is important to make sure they are of a suitable size for your axolotl, as they could potentially choke on larger ones. You should also ensure that the water temperature is suitable for your axolotl, as brine shrimp prefer colder temperatures. Frozen brine shrimp can also be purchased, and these can be defrosted and served to your axolotl.

Axolotls are known to be fairly easy to feed, and they can eat brine shrimp as part of their regular diet. Brine shrimp provide axolotls with essential nutrients that can help keep them healthy and active, so it is definitely worth adding them to your axolotl’s diet.


Mealworms are a popular food source for many animals, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Axolotls, a type of Mexican salamander, are no exception. While axolotls are carnivores, meaning they mostly eat meat, they can also benefit from mealworms as part of their diet.

Mealworms are an excellent food source for axolotls as they provide them with a variety of nutrients, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Mealworms also provide essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Mealworms are also a great source of fiber, which can help axolotls with digestion.

Mealworms can be a great addition to the axolotl’s diet, but they should not be the only food source. Axolotls need a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods, including other proteins, such as fish, shrimp, and snails. Mealworms should only be given as a treat and should not be the main source of food.

When feeding mealworms to axolotls, it is important to ensure that they are fresh and not contaminated with any bacteria or parasites. Mealworms should also be fed in moderation, as they can be high in fat, which can lead to obesity in axolotls.

Overall, axolotls can benefit from mealworms as part of their diet. While they should not be the only food source, adding mealworms to their diet can provide them with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. As long as mealworms are fed in moderation and are fresh, axolotls can enjoy the occasional treat.

Tubifex worms

Axolotls can eat tubifex worms, but they should not be the only food in their diet. Tubifex worms are a type of aquatic annelid worm found in stagnant or slow-moving bodies of water. They are a popular food item for many aquarium fish and invertebrates, and axolotls are no exception.

In the wild, axolotls will eat a variety of prey items, including insects, crustaceans, and annelids. Tubifex worms make a great supplement to their diet, as they are high in protein and calcium. Tubifex worms are not considered a complete diet for axolotls and should only be fed in moderation.

When feeding tubifex worms to axolotls, it is important to select worms that are free of parasites, as these can be harmful to the axolotl. It is also important to remember that axolotls are carnivorous and should be fed a diet rich in animal proteins. Tubifex worms should not make up the bulk of their diet and should only be fed as a supplement.

In conclusion, axolotls can eat tubifex worms, but they should only be fed in moderation as a supplement to a balanced diet. It is important to select worms that are free of parasites, as these can be harmful to the axolotl. Additionally, axolotls should be fed a diet rich in animal proteins, and tubifex worms should not make up the bulk of their diet.


Axolotls can eat blackworms. Blackworms are a type of bloodworm, which is a type of aquatic insect larva. Axolotls are omnivores, meaning they will consume both animal and plant matter. Blackworms are an excellent source of protein for axolotls, and provide numerous other nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

In order to ensure that your axolotl gets the most nutritional benefits possible from the blackworms it consumes, you should feed them live blackworms. Live blackworms are the most natural form of food available for axolotls, and they provide a much higher quality of nutrition than frozen or freeze-dried blackworms.

When feeding your axolotl blackworms, it is important to remember that they should never be the sole source of nutrition for your pet. Blackworms should only be fed in moderation, as too many can cause health issues for your axolotl. Furthermore, any uneaten blackworms should be removed from the tank to prevent water contamination.

In conclusion, axolotls can eat blackworms as a supplemental food source. However, they should only be fed in moderation, and live blackworms are preferable to frozen or freeze-dried varieties. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your axolotl gets the most nutritional benefits from its blackworm diet.


Crickets are a good source of protein, and axolotls love to eat them. Crickets are small enough for axolotls to swallow and provide a nutritious meal. However, it is important to keep in mind that axolotls need to be fed a balanced diet, and crickets should not be the only food they consume.

When feeding crickets to axolotls, it is important to provide them with a variety of sizes. Smaller crickets are easier for axolotls to swallow, while larger crickets provide more nutrition. It is also important to make sure that the crickets are gut-loaded, meaning they have been given a nutritious diet prior to being fed to the axolotl. This will ensure that the axolotl receives the necessary vitamins and minerals from eating the crickets.

Finally, it is important to ensure that the crickets are free from parasites and other diseases. This can be achieved by only buying crickets from a reputable supplier or by raising them yourself. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the crickets used to feed the axolotl have not been exposed to any chemicals or pesticides.

In conclusion, axolotls can definitely eat crickets. However, it is important to make sure that the crickets are of the right size, are gut-loaded, and are free from parasites or chemicals. By following these guidelines, axolotls can enjoy a nutritious and safe meal of crickets.

Insect larvae

Axolotls can eat insect larvae. Insect larvae are a common and important food source for axolotls, as they provide a good source of nutrition and energy. In the wild, axolotls will feed on numerous insect larvae, including mosquito larvae and mayfly larvae. The larvae are typically found in shallow waters and can be identified by their wriggling, segmented bodies and small size.

In captivity, axolotls can also be fed insect larvae. As part of a balanced diet, insect larvae can provide important nutrients such as protein and calcium, as well as other essential vitamins and minerals. Insect larvae can be purchased at pet stores or online, and should be gut-loaded with nutritious foods such as brine shrimp or bloodworms to ensure the axolotl is getting the most out of their meal.

In conclusion, axolotls can eat insect larvae as part of their diet. This type of food provides important nutrients and energy, and should be included in any balanced diet for captive axolotls.


Daphnia, a type of small, freshwater crustacean, is also an omnivore that feeds on a variety of aquatic organisms. In theory, Axolotls can and do eat Daphnia as part of their natural diet.

Axolotls usually feed on aquatic invertebrates such as worms, insect larvae, and fish eggs. They also feed on small crustaceans like daphnia. Therefore, it is likely that they would consume Daphnia if they were in the same environment together. However, it is important to note that Axolotls may not be able to digest the hard exoskeleton of the Daphnia. This could lead to digestive issues and other health problems for the Axolotl.

Given the availability of other food sources, it is unlikely that an Axolotl would rely solely on Daphnia as a food source. There are also potential risks of parasite transmission from Daphnia to the Axolotl. Therefore, it is generally not recommended that Axolotls be fed Daphnia as part of their diet.

Overall, Axolotls can and do eat Daphnia as part of their natural diet. However, it is important to take into account both the nutritional value and the potential health risks associated with feeding Daphnia to Axolotls. Therefore, it is generally recommended that other food sources be provided to Axolotls in order to provide a balanced diet.

Aquatic insects

While Axolotls can eat aquatic insects, it is important to note that they are not considered a main source of nutrition for them.

In the wild, Axolotls are opportunistic feeders and will consume anything they can find, such as aquatic invertebrates and fish. Aquatic insects are a small part of their diet, but they are likely to eat them if they come across them. Axolotls also have a taste for small crustaceans, worms, and larvae, and they will actively hunt for these.

Axolotls are not picky eaters and will usually accept a variety of food items, including aquatic insects. However, they should not be the primary source of nutrition for Axolotls. Aquatic insects are usually low in nutritional value and, while they can provide some vitamins and minerals, they should not make up the bulk of an Axolotl’s diet.

In captivity, Axolotls should be fed a combination of live food, such as worms, small fish, and aquatic insects. They should also be provided with a variety of frozen and freeze-dried foods to ensure that they get a balanced diet. Aquatic insects can certainly be part of this diet, but they should not make up the majority of it.

In conclusion, Axolotls can eat aquatic insects, but they should not be the primary source of nutrition for them. Aquatic insects are low in nutritional value, so they should be supplemented with other types of food to ensure that the Axolotl gets a balanced diet.

Fish pellets

The axolotl has a mostly carnivorous diet, typically eating small fish, worms, and insects. But can they eat fish pellets?

The answer is yes, axolotls can eat fish pellets. Fish pellets are a type of dry food that are specifically designed for aquarium fish. They are usually made from fish meal and other ingredients, such as vitamins and minerals. Fish pellets are a convenient and affordable way to provide a balanced diet for your axolotl.

When feeding axolotls fish pellets, it is important to make sure that the pellets are small enough for them to eat. Axolotls have small mouths, so pellets that are too large can be difficult for them to eat. It is also important to make sure that the pellets are high-quality and free from additives. Many commercially available fish pellets contain artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives that can be harmful to axolotls.

When feeding axolotls fish pellets, it is important to provide a variety of different types of food. As with any species, axolotls need a balanced diet to stay healthy. They should be fed a variety of live and frozen foods, as well as pellets and other dry foods. This will provide them with a complete and nutritious diet.

In conclusion, axolotls can eat fish pellets. However, it is important to make sure that the pellets are small enough for them to eat and are of the highest quality. Additionally, it is important to provide axolotls with a variety of different types of food to ensure that they receive a balanced diet.

Fish flakes

Axolotls can eat fish flakes. However, it is important to note that fish flakes are not a suitable staple diet for axolotls and should only be used as an occasional treat. As carnivorous animals, axolotls should primarily be fed a diet of live or frozen foods, such as worms, insects, and other aquatic invertebrates.

Fish flakes are typically made from dried fish, which is not a suitable food source for axolotls as it is too high in protein and fat. Additionally, the lack of moisture in the flakes can cause dehydration, which can be dangerous for these aquatic animals. In addition to this, the flakes may contain ingredients that are not suitable for axolotls such as artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.

When considering whether or not to feed axolotls fish flakes, it is important to remember that they are not a suitable staple diet and should only be used as an occasional treat. If fed regularly, the flakes can cause dehydration, malnutrition, and other health problems.

In conclusion, axolotls can eat fish flakes, but they should only be used as an occasional treat. Axolotls should primarily be fed a diet of live or frozen foods, such as worms, insects, and other aquatic invertebrates. If fed regularly, the flakes can cause dehydration, malnutrition, and other health problems.

Mysis shrimp

Axolotls can eat Mysis shrimp. Mysis shrimp are small, freshwater crustaceans that are a great source of protein and other essential nutrients for axolotls. Mysis shrimp are also high in carotenoids and fatty acids, which are important for axolotls’ health and coloration. However, it is important to note that Mysis shrimp should only be fed to axolotls as an occasional treat. Axolotls should not be fed Mysis shrimp on a regular basis, as this could lead to health problems.

When feeding Mysis shrimp to axolotls, it is important to ensure that the shrimp are of a suitable size for the axolotl. Mysis shrimp should not be larger than the axolotl’s head. It is also important to feed Mysis shrimp in moderation and to provide a variety of other foods in addition to Mysis shrimp.

In conclusion, axolotls can eat Mysis shrimp, but it is important to ensure that they are of a suitable size and are fed in moderation. Mysis shrimp can provide an important source of protein, carotenoids, and fatty acids to axolotls, but should not be the only food they eat.


One of the most common questions asked by new owners is “can axolotls eat squid?” The answer is yes, but there are a few important things to consider before feeding squid to axolotls.

First, it’s important to ensure that the squid is thoroughly cleaned and cooked before feeding it to an axolotl. Raw squid can contain harmful bacteria, parasites, and other contaminants that can be fatal to the amphibian. Additionally, squid should only be fed to axolotls occasionally as part of a balanced diet. Feeding too much squid can cause digestive problems and other health issues.

When it comes to the squid itself, only certain types are safe for axolotls to consume. For example, squid tentacles contain sharp spines that can injure the axolotl’s delicate mouth and digestive tract. Smaller squid species, such as bay squid and giant squid, are the safest and most nutritious options for axolotls.

Finally, it’s important to note that squid can only be fed to axolotls in moderation. Too much squid can lead to digestive discomfort, and it can also reduce the effectiveness of the axolotl’s regenerative abilities. Additionally, squid should only be fed to axolotls that are at least six months old, as younger axolotls are more sensitive to the potential hazards of squid.

In conclusion, axolotls can eat squid, but owners must take certain precautions and follow certain guidelines. It’s important to make sure the squid is thoroughly cooked and cleaned before feeding it to the axolotl, and only certain types of squid should be considered. Additionally, squid should only be fed to axolotls in moderation, and only to those that are at least six months old. Following these simple guidelines can ensure that your axolotl is able to enjoy a nutritious and safe diet.


Krill are small, shrimp-like crustaceans found in all the world’s oceans. They are an important part of the oceanic food chain, forming the primary diet of many marine animals such as whales, seals, and penguins. Krill are an excellent source of nutrition, containing high levels of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Unfortunately, the answer to the question of whether axolotls can eat krill is no. Axolotls are carnivorous predators and their diet consists primarily of worms and small aquatic invertebrates. Krill are far too large for the axolotl to effectively consume, and so they simply do not form part of their diet.

That being said, axolotls can benefit from the nutrients found in krill. Many specialized fish food products contain ingredients such as krill meal, which provide essential vitamins and minerals that can help to keep the axolotl healthy. As such, it is not necessary for an axolotl to consume krill directly in order to benefit from its nutritional value.

In conclusion, axolotls cannot consume krill directly, as the crustaceans are too large for them to effectively consume. However, they can still benefit from the nutrients found in krill through fish food products that contain krill meal. Therefore, it is not necessary for an axolotl to consume krill directly in order to benefit from its nutritional value.


The answer to the question of whether an axolotl can eat earthworms is yes. Earthworms are a great source of nutrition for axolotls and they will readily accept them as food. Earthworms are rich in protein, fats, and other essential vitamins and minerals, which make them a great food source for axolotls. They can be fed live or freeze-dried, and they can also be supplemented with other food sources such as fish, insects, and shrimp.

In conclusion, yes, axolotls can eat earthworms without any problems. They are a great source of nutrition for axolotls and should be supplemented with other food sources for a balanced diet. Earthworms should be fed in moderation and should not be the only food source for axolotls.


Axolotls are carnivorous animals, meaning they only eat meat. As such, they cannot eat fruit.

Fruit is not part of the axolotl’s natural diet, as they lack the digestive enzymes to break down the complex carbohydrates and sugars found in fruit. Additionally, fruit contains very little protein and fat, two key nutrients that axolotls need to survive.

Fruit can also be a source of unexpected problems for axolotls. Fruits such as apples and oranges can be high in acidity, which can cause damage to the axolotl’s delicate gills. Furthermore, introducing foreign fruits into the axolotl’s environment can introduce unwanted bacteria and parasites, as well as introduce toxins that can be harmful to the axolotl.

Given the dietary needs of the axolotl and the potential health risks of introducing fruit into its environment, it is not recommended to feed the axolotl fruit. Instead, axolotls should be fed a diet of live worms, shrimp, and other meat sources. This will ensure that the axolotl is receiving all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and happy.


While they are carnivorous, the question remains whether or not they can eat vegetables.

The answer is yes, axolotls can eat vegetables. Vegetables provide a variety of nutrients and vitamins that axolotls need in order to stay healthy. Vegetables can also provide a source of fiber, which helps to keep an axolotl’s digestive system running smoothly. In addition, vegetables can provide a source of vitamins and minerals that cannot be found in meat-based diets.

When feeding vegetables to an axolotl, it is important to remember that they are not able to digest raw vegetables. Therefore, vegetables should be cooked or pureed before they are given to an axolotl. Vegetables such as spinach, kale, and chard are all suitable for axolotls, but they should be cut into very small pieces before they are offered.

Axolotls should also be given a variety of vegetables in order to provide them with a balanced diet. Vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, and peas can all be offered to an axolotl. It is also important to remember to feed them vegetables in moderation and not to overfeed them.

In conclusion, axolotls can eat vegetables and it is important to provide them with a variety of vegetables in order to provide them with a balanced diet. It is also important to remember to cook or puree the vegetables before they are given to an axolotl and to not overfeed them. By providing an axolotl with a variety of vegetables, it can help to ensure that they stay healthy and happy.

Frozen shrimp

A common question among axolotl owners is whether or not they can eat frozen shrimp. The answer is yes, they can. Frozen shrimp are an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals, and are a great dietary supplement for axolotls. However, it is important to ensure that the shrimp are properly thawed before feeding them to your axolotl.

When feeding frozen shrimp to your axolotl, it is important to ensure that the shrimp are of good quality. Look for shrimp that have been frozen immediately after being caught, not pre-cooked or processed. Once the shrimp have been properly thawed, they can be fed to your axolotl. It is best to feed the shrimp in small pieces, as this will make it easier for your axolotl to swallow them.

In addition to frozen shrimp, there are other foods that axolotls can eat. These include earthworms, snails, crickets, and mealworms. It is important to ensure that the food you are feeding your axolotl is of the highest quality, and that it is properly supplemented with vitamins and minerals.

In conclusion, axolotls can safely eat frozen shrimp as long as they are of good quality and are properly thawed before feeding them to your axolotl. Frozen shrimp are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and can provide your axolotl with a balanced diet. Additionally, there are many other foods that your axolotl can eat, and it is important to ensure that these are of good quality and properly supplemented with vitamins and minerals.


In conclusion, Axolotl can eat a variety of food such as worms, bloodworms, shrimp, and other aquatic invertebrates. They should not eat larger fish, as they can easily become prey. Instead, they should stick to their natural diet of small prey items. With a proper diet, Axolotl can live a long and healthy life.

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