Some breeds were developed to hunt, others to herd and still others to guard. The Pug’s only job throughout history has been to adore and entertain his people, who love and adore him in return. Pugs thrive on human companionship and want and need to be with you. They are intuitive and sensitive to the moods of their owners and are usually keen to please them. Yet they have a definite stubborn streak, too! Obedient and ever cooperative they are not. A sense of humor is a requirement for anyone considering sharing her life with a Pug.
Table of Contents
Pugs as Watch Dogs?
Pugs are good with children, since they typically aren’t aggressive, have fairly low energy levels and love to play (for a short time!). They’re also a fine choice if you love entertaining and often have guests over. Pugs are usually open to meeting strangers, even though they may bark to let you know your guests are here. (This is why they make OK watchdogs, but since they like to make friends with strangers, they’re not so good as guard dogs).
Are Pugs Aggressive?
Unless a child is openly aggressive towards the pug, it will not be aggressive towards the child. Additionally, pulling on the fur is not that painful for this breed and sometimes even helps the dog massage inside his skin rolls. As this is the most common mistake children make with dogs, your child will be safe with the pug.
Pugs Background
The history of the Boston Terrier and Pug are remarkably different from each other. Both in terms of their reason for being and where the respective breeds originated. Here is a brief historical background on each breed’s story.
Family and Bonding
Pugs are often considered the class clown of dog breeds. They love attention, and love to show off. Their charm and people-pleasing attitude is irresistible. Pugs were originally bred as lap dogs, so they love human companionship. They are very adaptable. Most will go along with whatever lifestyle their owner enjoys. If you prefer to sit at home and watch Netflix, your Pug will love snuggling up to you and relaxing. If you prefer an active lifestyle, most Pugs will join right in with you. Anti-barking training may be necessary, as Pugs are somewhat prone to unnecessary barking.
Hello! I’m Lisa & this is Hugo! Welcome to our family friendly lifestyle blog sharing all things pug, everyday life, style and adventures.
Pug Nature
This breed is often described by the Latin phrase multum in parvo, or “much in little” or “a lot of dog in a small space”, alluding to the pug’s remarkable and charming personality, despite its small size. [1] Pugs are strong willed but rarely aggressive, and are suitable for families with children. The majority of the breed is very fond of children and sturdy enough to properly play with them. Depending on their owner’s mood, they can be quiet and docile but also vivacious and teasing. [7] Pugs tend to be intuitive and sensitive to the moods of their owners and are usually eager to please them. [3] Pugs are playful and thrive on human companionship. They also tend to have a snoozy nature and spend a lot of time napping. Pugs are often called “shadows” because they follow their owners around and like to stay close to the action,[8] craving attention and affection from their owners.
As far as basic obedience training goes, pugs are easy to teach. Not only are the social and intelligent enough to understand what is being asked from them, but they are also very fond of treats. A young ug puppy will do almost anything for treats and it is up to you as the dog trainer to use that fact to its full extent.
Pugs as a Pack Animal
Because your Pug has eyeballs that naturally protrude, he is more vulnerable to eye injuries. Scrapes or punctures to the cornea (the protective covering on the eyeball) are the most common injuries. Not only do they hurt, they can become infected and affect his vision. Don’t let him ride in the car with his head out the window as this is a frequent cause of eye injuries. Call us right away if he has any problems with his eyes. A damaged cornea is painful and should be treated immediately. Medication and sometimes surgery is required.
Physical Traits
Pugs catch colds easily and are stressed by hot and cold weather. They are prone to allergies and the short muzzle contributes to chronic breathing problems, making the Pug tend to wheeze and snore. (Pugs suffer from poor ventilation. ) Prone to skin problems. Prone to mast cell tumors. Prone to Pug Dog Encephalitis (PDE), an inflammation of the brain that strikes adolescent Pugs usually between the ages of 2 and 3. The cause is unknown. They are not the easiest whelpers. Dams usually have to have cesarean sections due to the size of the pups’ heads. There is a chance of Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and ulcers on the cornea. Eyes are prone to weeping and cherry eye. Do not overfeed a Pug, as they will eat more than is good for them, quickly becoming obese and living much shorter lives.